IRC labels are an effective way to produce on-package promotions, marketing and discount coupons. With the coupon itself usually being small in size it creates great value to your product with little impact on the products “Realty Space”.
Maximizing your products “Realty Space” with IRC’s can help increase sales, cross market other products and help satisfy both regulatory and your retailers requirements. We currently produce to types of IRC’s. Folded IRC which is a traditional IRC and our IRC Multi-Ply Coupon which combines an extended content label with a traditional IRC.
There are many suitable uses for Instant Redeemable Coupons (IRC):
• Multiple languages
• Regulatory and legal information
• Storage information
• Warnings and precautions
• On-product promotions, IRC’s, and rebates
• Sweepstakes and game pieces
• Recipes
• Ingredients